
How To Create Your Own Antivirus Using The Traditional Notepad


Anti-malware have now become a very important thing for every computer. If your computer is connected to the internet then you must have an anti-virus installed. Actually, it’s all because of increase in the number of internet users. Recently, internet users have skyrocketed. So that’s why, malware and spamming link are also increasing together. That’s why, in this situations like these, anti-malware is a must.
You know what, Hackers and spammers are busy nowadays. They are trying to do illegal activities and are fooling internet users.
There are many golden awarded anti-virus softwares available online and offline globally. You can download easily their official websites. All of them are reliable and free from any type of malware. But if you’re not satisfied and wanna create your own anti-malware then it’s possible. Windows users can easily create their own anti-malware by using Notepad. So, if you wanna create one, follow the steps below:

  • Launch Notepad and paste code below in it.
  • @echo off
  • title Antivirus
  • echo Antivirus
  • echo created by your name
  • :start
  • if exist virus.bat goto infected
  • cd C:Windowssystem32
  • if not exist virus.bat goto clean
  • :infected
  • echo warning virus detected
  • exit
  • del virus.bat
  • pause
  • goto start
  • :clean
  • echo System secure!
  • pause

1. Open notepad

2. type in the following @echo off
color cb
title Antivirus
echo ===============
echo [ Batch-Scanner]
echo ===============
echo If There is no message ,You are protected.
set /p a=Enter a batch file to scan:
for /f %%x in (
‘findstr /i /m “virus r.i.p byebye ” %a%.bat’
) do (
if /i %%x equ %a%.bat (
for /f %%z in (
‘findstr /i /b /m “tskill del copy shutdown ipconfig ren reg” %a%.bat’
) do (
if /i %%z equ %a%.bat (
echo Virus Detected!!
del %a%.bat
echo %a%.bat was deleted….
pause >nul
pause >nul

We hope you guys will enjoyed this article.

Credits to: magicianGB

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