Telegram, the popular messaging app, is launching a Premium tier membership service later this month, allowing users to pay to send messages. This isn’t to imply that subscribing isn’t an option. According to Telegram founder...
Category : Software & Updates
Over the years, Android has proven to be the most widespread and dominant operating system globally and it does not seem to be slowing down any time soon. It is Google’s champion mobile operating system...
4 Most Common Types of Cybersecurity Threats
by ROTechnica
There’s every indication that the pandemic is changing the nature of cybersecurity. Online threats are evolving to match our new remote-work paradigm, with 91% of businesses reporting an increase in cyberattacks during the coronavirus outbreak....
Zoom, an American-based communications company, which was founded in 2011 with the video calls software launched in 2013, has seen its use skyrocket for the last few months due to the lockdown actions taken by...
Huawei, Xiaomi, and BBK are preparing a Google Play Store Rival
by Francis
Chinese popular phone manufacturers Huawei, Xiaomi, and BBK Electronics’ Vivo and Oppo are preparing a unity that would threaten the supremacy of the Google Play Store on Android. The Global Developer Service Alliance (GDSA) would...
Google pulls Huawei’s Android license, forcing it to use the Open Source Version
by Francis
Following the U.S.A. quelling on Chinese technology firms, Google has discontinued Huawei’s android license, dealing a large blow to the enclosed phone manufacturer. A Google spokesperson said that “Google Play and it’s security protections Protect...
A real Linux kernel will be added as part of windows subsystem for Linux (WSL) in the forthcoming version of Windows 10. The time the news of bash on windows was shared by Microsoft and...